Mission & Purpose

C.S. Lewis Study Center – Northfield

Mission: The C.S. Lewis Study Center in Northfield, MA, is dedicated to restoring a vital Christian presence throughout higher education, the arts, and the culture at large.

PurposeThe C.S. Lewis Study Center serves as a focal point of Christian hospitality, study, reflection, and learned conversation in New England, welcoming all in the pursuit of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. We educate, encourage and equip those who desire to thoughtfully and winsomely address issues of faith and culture within their sphere of influence, whether in an educational institution, a place of ministry, a professional setting or the local community.

Objectives:  The C.S. Lewis Study Center will accomplish its purpose by focusing its key activities on the following strategic concerns:

  • Serving and providing resources to the whole Christian community in the region

The Study Center provides a welcoming place offering encouragement, resources, and opportunities for the thoughtful engagement and reflection upon the world of ideas and the arts to Christians of all communions, communities, ministries, professions, and vocations.  In this service, we desire that thoughtful Christian faith become embodied throughout all aspects of life and work and the arts in the pursuit of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.

  • Fostering dialogue between Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant followers of Christ

The Study Center will exemplify what C. S. Lewis refers to as the Mere Christian “hallway” in the essential and growing dialogue between Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant followers of Christ who affirm the classical and ecumenical creeds of historic Christianity.  We will conduct programming that highlights leaders, thinkers, and artists from all these communions. We will host conferences in which we explore together areas of agreement as well as challenge.  Our aim is to display genuine, active Christian love before the eyes of the watching world.

  • Encouraging connections between Christian faculty and graduate students in the “Five-College” region and throughout New England

The Study Center will encourage and strengthen the Christian faculty and graduate students in the “Five-College” region and throughout New England by providing specialized seminars and other programming to help these scholars think more “Christianly” about their disciplines, develop mentoring relationships, and foster fellowship and prayer opportunities within their campus communities.  We will seek to accomplish these goals in cooperation with other Christian Study Centers and related organizations in the area.

  • Equipping educators at the independent day and boarding schools in New England

The Study Center will provide resources and seminars specially tailored to meet the needs of Christian educators at the independent secondary day and boarding schools in New England to help enable the development of school-based fellowship, deeper examination of the implications of historic Christianity for education, and the cultivation of Christian virtue and witness within their educational communities.  These schools are strategic in educating a substantial segment of the future leadership in America and in the world.